
126. When Lies Spread Faster Than Truth

Our world has turned its back on truth, and instead looks to the comforting story. Truth is not as important as avoiding cognitive dissonance. The idea is “if you upset me, it’s not because something’s wrong with me, but with what you said. I’m offended, and therefore you’re wrong.”

But this isn’t sane at all, and today we’re going to look at where the narrative is winning over truth in our culture, and how to push back individually as well as culturally.

“We just assumed that Walter Cronkite was unbiased. In hindsight, it is clear that Walter Cronkite was biased and that he used feigned objectivity as the cudgel to change the American narrative from being a right of center one to being a left of center one.”

Andrew Breitbart

Before we can discuss solutions, we have to demonstrate the problem. So here are some examples of the narrative usurping the truth:

  • Systemic Racism
  • “Mostly Peaceful” protests
  • Our understanding of our history and its figures
  • Coronavirus

But, where does this come from? It is the left’s stranglehold as the “purveyors of truth” in our education system, news media, and entertainment industry. Each of these is a cultural center, and one that every American interacts with to some extent, often spending much of our time with these pillars of society.

We are forced to interact with the leftist narrative, one that has been modified from Marxist ideology to disrupt and invade every aspect of our lives. Because we in America were so resistant to the Socialist case – largely due to the success of a free market economy – the Marxists attacked our culture, education, and entertainment in order to push their false narrative.

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