
Breaking the Rules of Philosophy

I once heard a teacher tell his students, "If you want to be able to break the rules, you have to know them first." Basically, the point is something similar to Chesterton's fence. Rather than breaking the rules when you don't understand them, you should only remove barriers with a good cause. In Meditations on First Philosophy, Rene Descartes flips the rules of philosophy on their head in this experiment.

What is Virtue? | Book Review Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

A lot of people are happy to note that virtue is lacking in our society, and we have a lot of work to do if we want a virtuous society. But, I hear only a few voices offering a solution to this problem. Only a few people are calling people to act virtuously and live a life of virtue. The Vital Masculinity podcast is doing great work to promote that, but sadly not many others are. Not many people are answering the basic questions like "What is virtue?" or "How do I become a virtuous person?"

Take Responsibility and Bear Your Burden | The Fellowship of the Ring Book Review

Today, I want to talk about the first book of the The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Fellowship of the Ring. I think we're in a place where each of us has had something similar to Frodo thrust upon us. In the book, Gandalf basically says that we don't ask for these hard times, but when they come, we have to deal with it. This comes up as Frodo is lamenting about how he has to bear this burden and fight to save the world. Even though he did nothing to deserve his fate, he has to take responsibility and go on this journey.

Property Rights in the Digital Age Introduction

Want to learn more about Property Rights in the Digital Age? Below is the intro to my brand new book. I wanted to share this with you so you could get a glimpse of what this book has to offer. Personally, I'm very proud of this and am excite to share it with you. So dive in, and if you need more info, check out this video.

190. Saving the Family From our Culture – Scott Yenor Interview

The family is under attack in our culture today, with many ideologies attempting to undermine it. So, what can be one to push back? Last month, I reviewed a book that focused on saving the family from our culture. Dr. Scott Yenor joined me for an interview about his new book: The Recovery of Family Life. Tune in to learn more about what we need to do to save the family and halt the attack our culture is waging on it.

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