
181. Have a Merry Christmas!

I hope you are having a Merry Christmas! Today, I want to remember what this day is about and take a moment to read the stories given to us about the birth of Jesus. So, I will read the stories of the Nativity in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. It's important to go back to these stories, which is why today's episode will do just that. Instead of telling people to "keep the Christ in Christmas," I want to do that. If you agree, join me in reading these stories, and take time to reflect on what they teach.

168. Drawn in by Beauty – Stained Glass Zealot Interview

Recently, I sat down with the Stained Glass Zealot to talk about the beauty of stained glass, and how it draws you in. Check out his Twitter account here or his Substack to see what he's doing to show how beautiful this art is. Mostly, we discussed the beauty of churches. But, we dove into several other topics like the Lindy Effect, Divine Light by Abbot Suger, fashion vs. eternal beauty, and much more. Listen here or subscribe below to watch the interview:

Bonus Episode 3 | Conversation With Joe Rigi At Our Warpath

The Catholic Church has a term called the "Church Militant," which is the body of living Christians - those who are still fighting the spiritual fight. Joe Rigi and his team at Our Warpath are helping Catholics live an authentically Catholic life. We were able to have a great chat about what it means to be authentically Catholic and the challenges facing those trying to do so.

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