
How to Criticize Government

John Locke was an influential Enlightenment thinker whose work inspired many of the Founding Fathers. Locke was a philosopher and is commonly regarded as the Father of Liberalism. Since his work has come up in other discussions, like the one I had with Dr. Yenor. Plus, Locke was a focal point of my conversation with Brooke Medina from the John Locke Foundation. Because he's top of mind, and because we're ready to tear apart anything anyone tries to build in our society, I wanted to discuss Two Treatises on Government to learn how to criticize government.

Defending Property Rights From Government and Big Tech

In this episode, I talked to Brook Medina from the John Locke Foundation about defending property rights from government and big tech. But, we also discussed capitalism vs. distributism, John Locke, beauty, and much more. We were able to pack a lot of great insights into this hour-long interview. So, listen or watch below. And, if you want to learn more about the John Locke Foundation, check out their work here.

Are Online Courses The Key to Education?

Instead of truly educating people, we've used our school system to push out mindless drones. That is not to say that the average person today doesn't know many things that some of the smarted 500 years ago didn't. Rather, we no longer make people earn knowledge. While that's the case for traditional schooling, there are outlets offering true education. Children and young adults are looking to online courses, job trainings, and other alternative modes of education to make an impact.

Problems with Money | What Has Government Done to Our Money by Murray Rothbard

Today we will be talking about what government has done with our money. Or better yet, the book: What Has Government Done To Our Money by Murray Rothbard. And, the reason I want to talk about this today is because I think it gives us a good basis and a good understanding of how to understand money at the basic level and how that interact our government. We have a lot of problems with money, and I think this book can help us fix them.

188. Finding Unity and Mending a Divided Nation

Our country is obviously divided, politically, culturally, and religiously. Despite living in the same country under the same laws, we have two separate nations in our country. In this episode, I'll discuss mending a divided nation and how we find unity amid all the chaos.

177. Book Review | Plato’s Republic

Plato, one of the best known Greek philosophers, was a student of Socrates and a teacher of Aristotle. He's notable not only for his tremendous insight into philosophy, but his style as well. Instead of explaining his ideas in a long soliloquy, he used dialogue to teach. For his dialogues, he uses Socrates and what we now know as the Socratic method to extract ideas from his characters. In Plato's Republic, we take a look at what he thinks the ideal society would be. So, let's take a look at what Plato has to say about his ideal political situation.

169. Book Review | State of the Nullification Movement

The nullification movement is something that has been pushed by the Tenth Amendment Center and other people concerned with limiting Federal power. Basically, the goal is to help states reclaim their sovereignty. Instead of letting the federal government hand down dictates at will, our founders provided us with the means to push back. So, if you want to learn about nullification, listen below and check out the Tenth Amendment Center.

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