
171. Book Review | The Meaning of Conservatism by Roger Scruton

Roger Scruton is one of the leading conservative philosophers of the last century, and potentially of all time. His book, The Meaning of Conservatism, was instrumental in developing how I think about politics. So, I want to share this book with you. Honestly, I think anyone - whether conservative or not - would learn a lot from this book. Interested? Check out the podcast here:

140. Secularism, America’s Established Church

We now have an established church in our country, and it is a Secular Church. The first amendment's "freedom of religion" clauses had a distinct purpose, but it was not to separate church and state to the extent, or in the manner, that we turn our backs on God.

What is Truth?

Do we have the ability to know the Truth? Are our biases and problems with our senses too much to overcome in our search for the Truth? Is there even A Truth, or is that simply something people invented in their minds as a survival tool? These are just some of the questions that will... Continue Reading →

5. Absolute Truth And Natural Law

Join me as I dive into my thoughts on Truth and Natural Law. I discussĀ  my idea on the Truth and the idea that it's an asymptote. From that I derive my understanding of the Natural Law as the order that proceeds from the objective and absolute truth.

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