
Breaking the Rules of Philosophy

I once heard a teacher tell his students, "If you want to be able to break the rules, you have to know them first." Basically, the point is something similar to Chesterton's fence. Rather than breaking the rules when you don't understand them, you should only remove barriers with a good cause. In Meditations on First Philosophy, Rene Descartes flips the rules of philosophy on their head in this experiment.

Direct Your Actions To What Is Good

Virtue requires action. Thinking about what is right and wrong is good, but it doesn't lead to virtue until we take action. So, wee must be sure that we don't stay in the world of debate. Instead, we should ensure that our ideas take shape in the form of actions, habits, and virtues.

Are Online Courses The Key to Education?

Instead of truly educating people, we've used our school system to push out mindless drones. That is not to say that the average person today doesn't know many things that some of the smarted 500 years ago didn't. Rather, we no longer make people earn knowledge. While that's the case for traditional schooling, there are outlets offering true education. Children and young adults are looking to online courses, job trainings, and other alternative modes of education to make an impact.

Why You Should Seek The Golden Mean

The Golden Mean is simply a manner of behaving where your life is balanced and virtuous. You find this balance by acting in a virtuous manner given certain situations. Many thinkers have sought to define it and share how to attain it. Read on to find out why you should seek the Golden Mean.

Architecture of the Pantheon

A few weeks ago, I spoke to Frank Cunha III about the architecture of the Pantheon and St. Peter's Basilica. In our interview about traditional architecture, Frank and I talked about the history of the Pantheon. We also talked about how the Pantheon was built. We also discussed some of the changes made to the Pantheon, such as when it was converted into a church. So, check out the snippet below to get a glimpse at our discussion.

What is Smiles Matter?

You might be wondering, "What is smiles matter?" After we began masking due to the COVID pandemic, many people noticed a dehumanizing effect. The masks hide our faces, which is a huge part of how we communicate. So, a few people on Twitter started this movement to urge others to smile. And, most importantly, they want to ensure that each person they interact with knows that they're valued. Below, Ronni Peck explains how and why the Smiles Matter movement started. If you want to learn more, you can check out our full conversation here.

Modern Architecture Can Build on Tradition

Modern architecture has gotten a bad reputation in many traditional circles. However, not all that is modern is bad. This video will show the difference between modern and modernist architecture, as well as the value of having a unique character.

Book Review: The Sun Also Rises

This Ernest Hemingway book highlights a writer living an Upper Class lifestyle in Paris. There's action and fist fights as well as a good story of a broken love interest. But this is a great piece of literature and a short read. If you've read the book, let me know what you think in the comment sections. If you haven't, read it and let me know!

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