
149. Book Review | The Screwtape Letters By C.S. Lewis

Lewis' Screwtape Letters is a great read for people of all ages, at least from middle school on. It is the tale of two demons, an older and a younger trying to tempt a man to bring him to Hell. And, the older demon is advising his nephew on how to do this successfully. You'll see all the subtle ways that demons can tempt you and pull your attention away from where it should be.

QUOTE: John Paul II

This idea isn't new to Pope John Paul II, rather it even appears in Aristotle's Politics. The idea is that the individual must govern oneself, and become an adult who can govern a household, or family. That is how societies are built, from the bottom up, not the top down.

Book Review: The Analects And The Doctrine Of The Mean

The Analects and the Doctrine of the Mean show the level of Confucius' wisdom. The fact that his teachings were the pillars of Chinese civilization for thousands of years shows how timeless his work is. In fact, there are still plenty of lessons we can learn from him today. Discover the lessons of Confucius with me and watch the video! Then, read his books and tell me what you think

QUOTE: Billy Graham

In light of Billy Graham's recent passing, here is one of his quotes! It gives insight into the nature of giving and receiving, and my thoughts on both.

Book Review: The Screwtape Letters By C.S. Lewis

We all can fall to temptation, normally without even realizing it. The Screwtape Letters are a riveting series of story-like letters that show how people can be tempted to turn away from God. Whether or not you believe in God, this story can teach you how to beware the parts of human nature that steer you away from your purpose and towards self-destruction. So watch this video and go read the book. Then, tell me what you think!

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